Зазвичай випуск нових оновлень алгоритмів Google супроводжується великим очікуванням і інтригою, і оновлення Vince не стало винятком. Це конкретне оновлення, яке відбулося 18 січня 2009 року, суттєво
In 2005 Google launched a series of algorithm updates, which became known as the Jagger Update, named like many others by Brett Tabke of WebmasterWorld.
In 2005 Google launched a series of algorithm updates, which became known as the Jagger Update, named like many others by Brett Tabke of WebmasterWorld.
As Google has grown and developed over the years, algorithm updates have been introduced periodically. Many updates remain unconfirmed by Google, despite many SEO pros finding evidence for them.
As Google has grown and developed over the years, algorithm updates have been introduced periodically. Many updates remain unconfirmed by Google, despite many SEO pros finding evidence for them.